Wednesday 13 February 2013


This is Ingurnit, our house help. She comes twice a week to do our laundry and some cleaning. She does the laundry by hand as we don't have a washing machine. It dries outside very quickly in the hot and windy conditions. (I am not completely spared the job of handwashing as I still have to do my undies!)

I find it very strange having someone work for me like this. I mean, I am perfectly capable of doing my own housework (although I'm not a big fan) and laundry. But it is customary, and almost expected, that westerners will hire local help. Not because we can't do things for ourselves but because in doing so we are able to help support local people support themselves. There are very few jobs in Korr and enabling people to work for money (rather than just giving handouts) is a way of serving them as well as getting to know local folks.

Ingurnit has five children and her husband is too ill to work. She works hard to feed them and keep them clothed and try and get her children through school. Housemate Christina teaches Dorcas, one of her daughters.

Despite her hardships, Ingurnit always has a big smile on her face. She has a great sense of humour which is vital as we try and communicate - mainly in gestures, acting and the few Rendille words that I have. It is always a joy to see her and take pride in her work! If I home we will enjoy a cup of chai together. She is always keen if we have cardboard boxes and string spare that she can use to repair her min (house).

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