Saturday, 13 October 2012

Our borehole

Some of us in Korr are very blessed to have this borehole provide us with water. It is just by where I live but the water has a bit of a journey before we can use it. The solar panel is used to pump the water from underground up to the big black storage tank on the hill (you can see it in the distance in the picture).This provides the pressure to get it to the individual houses nearby. In the compound where I live it is used to fill a storage tank that feeds the tap and shower.

There is another similar borehole that connects to taps at the schools and other community taps. People walk a long way to get water. Often children are sent to fill barrels of water which they then roll home. People also use the wells, especially for the animals.

It is about the time for Kenya's short rains. Korr normally gets less rain than other parts of the country and often it comes later. But we have already had a few rain showers this week. Last night I watched some stunning lightening on the horizon just after sunset. The rain is much needed but can cause real problems getting around as roads turn to mud and rivers can make roads impassable.   


  1. hope you have a nice time


  2. I hope you enjoy the blog, Alex, and that you are working hard at LCHS.

    I have discovered that this is not actually the borehole. That is on another hill. This is the pump that helps get it to our house.
